When choosing dental implants for your upcoming tooth replacement, you may wonder if your dental insurance company will provide coverage for your treatment. While some aspects may come at a lesser expense, you may or may not have to pay for the surgical portion on your own. Read on to discover how you can get the most out of your insurance plan and why you shouldn’t wait until 2022 to start treatment.
Will Insurance Cover Dental Implants?
You will find that most dental insurance companies do not offer coverage for dental implants in Cleveland. Although some are coming around to the idea, many continue to believe these are more a “want” than a “need.” However, this doesn’t mean you cannot receive any form of financial help from your insurer. When reviewing your policy, you may discover you can receive coverage for your initial consultation, preliminary treatments, or your customized restoration.
This is why it is essential that you either contact a representative from your insurance company or ask a member of your dental team to work on your behalf. Getting the appropriate answers and being able to prepare for the budget you’ve set for treatment will make the process much easier and less stressful.
Why Start Treatment Now Instead of Waiting Until 2022?
But why is it necessary to start dental implant treatment now? You’re not alone in asking this question, especially since we’re so close to the new year. However, if you understand how dental insurance works, you’ll better identify why it’s better to start the process now.
Even if your dental insurance company will not pay for the surgical component of your treatment, you may be able to take advantage of savings via your preliminary treatments or custom restoration. Most insurers will agree to pay between 50 and 80% of the total cost as long as you’ve met your deductible and have a remaining annual maximum available.
And, because most dental policies are only good for a single calendar year, it is in your best interest to start your implant treatment now instead of waiting. You don’t want your benefits to expire, which they will at midnight on December 31. If you wait until 2022, you’ll be forced to meet your deductible again before your insurance company agrees to step in and pay more for the services you receive. Also, the available funds in your annual maximum are rightfully yours, as you are paying the monthly premium for access to them. However, if you don’t use the money in 2021, it will be returned to your dental insurance company at the end of the year.
Don’t lose out on thousands of available dollars just because you want to wait a bit longer before starting treatment. Make the most of your insurance policy and take advantage of the awaiting benefits, so you can embrace an improved smile in the new year.
About the Author
Dr. Mark Guillory has more than two decades of experience and enjoys helping individuals achieve full, complete smiles with dental implants. Capable of handling the entire procedure in-house, his state-of-the-art training at the Carl Misch Implant Institute makes it possible for him to transform appearances with permanent prosthetics. If you are looking to replace your missing teeth with dental implants but want to know if your dental insurance will help cover the costs, call us at (281) 592-6398 or visit our website.