While modern-day dentures are more durable, lifelike, and comfortable than ever, they still only replace the visible portion of the missing teeth. They don’t replace the root structures that have also gone missing, which means they need to stay in place via suction. Thankfully, traditional dentures aren’t your only solution to severe tooth loss anymore! At New U Dentures & Implants, we’re proud to offer implant dentures in Cleveland to help you regain a truly complete and confident smile. Read on to learn more and give us a call to schedule your consultation.
Initially, implant dentures look very much like traditional dentures. A set of lifelike replacement teeth are set into a carefully crafted gum-colored acrylic base. However, instead of relying on suction created by a close fit, implant dentures are held firmly in place by four or more titanium posts that have been surgically placed into your jawbone. Depending on your needs and preferences, implant dentures can be fixed or removable.
Fixed dentures are designed to stay in place permanently. They’re attached to your dental implants in such a way that they can only be removed by your dentist. This means you’ll wear your implant dentures 24/7 while you talk, eat, brush, and sleep.
Removable implant dentures are sometimes called “snap-on dentures” because they can be popped on and off of the dental implants positioned in your jawbone. You’ll still get to enjoy all the stability and strength of an implant denture while retaining some of the familiarity of a removable denture.
Both fixed and removable implant dentures require the same process, which is more involved than simply getting traditional dentures. First, you’ll visit us for a consultation to make sure implant dentures are right for you and if you need any preliminary treatments. Once you’ve healed from any necessary preparatory procedures, several dental implants will be surgically positioned into your jawbone. In the next several months, the titanium posts will fuse with the surrounding bone tissue in a process called osseointegration. Once they’ve fully integrated, we’ll take impressions of your mouth and design your custom denture. When it’s ready, you’re return to our office to have your new smile anchored in place.
Before you begin the process of getting implant dentures, we need to make sure you have:
Not all patients are good candidates for implant dentures right away. Oftentimes, we can help you get on track for your new smile with preliminary treatments such as gum disease therapy and bone grafting.