Even the highest-quality denture will need to be repaired or replaced at some point. Rather than bringing your essential prosthetic to a general dentist who only does a few dentures a month, your best bet is to visit an expert like Dr. Guillory who has literally designed and repaired thousands of them over the course of his career. Whether your denture needs a minor update or complete refurbishment, you can trust you’ll walk out of our dental office with a set of teeth that look and fit like brand new. Contact us today so we can get your smile back on track with denture repairs and relines in Cleveland, TX.
It’s recommended that you have your dentures at least examined at least once a year to make sure there are no cracks, rough spots, or weaknesses that could turn into an urgent situation down the road. If you notice that your dentures are moving more or causing gum irritation, go ahead and reach out to our dental office! You shouldn’t have to deal with these issues. And, if you do ever need immediate help for a lost or broken denture, we promise that we’ll try to get you in as quickly as possible (more on this below).
After someone loses their teeth, their jawbone slowly begins to change shape and shrink as the years go by. This is why a denture that fits perfectly on day one may start to become loose after three to five years. Fortunately, the solution for this type of problem is typically a simple one—a denture reline. This involves making the base of the denture thicker so that it has a tighter fit. Most of the time, we can complete this in a single appointment.
A soft reline provides more cushion for a denture, and it’s an excellent option for patients who feel like their denture is “pressing” on their gums or is causing sore spots to develop. This is a particularly fast process, and the results are instant. We remove the current lining, take a few quick measurements of your bite, and apply the new, soft liner. Once it dries, we’ll make sure the new liner hasn’t altered your bite, and then you’re good to go!
A lost or broken denture should be considered an emergency, and you can trust that’s how we’ll respond if you need help with one of these problems. Just give us a call, explain your situation, and we’ll get you in as soon as we can. We’ll try to repair your denture if possible, but if not, we’ll begin the process of creating a new one. For a lost denture, we can provide you with a quick and comfortable temporary while we make you a new prosthetic.